You likely aren't making the required inferences fast enough. Focus on foolproofing games you go over time on so that you can recognize the cookie-cutter inferences.
Also, try to do a game or two throughout the day when you're slightly distracted o…
It's easy to underestimate how taxing doing 4 sections in a row can be versus a problem set. You need to work on your stamina, consider drilling two full sections consecutively.
Anxiety can also be a factor. My scores on my PTs were improved when I…
Do a full LG section every morning 5 days a week within 30 minutes after you get out of bed. In the evening or after work, BR and foolproof the games you missed. This will not be any fun for awhile, then it'll become less awful because LG will becom…
I had a misc game on an actual LSAT I took in 2021. Misc games are good tests of abstract thinking and your overall mastery of LG fundamentals, plus they test your ability to not freak out upon seeing something unfamiliar. Drilling them like any oth…
I plateau'd at a place around where you are over the summer and am now scoring in the mid/high 160s, so I think I know where you're coming from.
Likewise, I though I was learning a ton from every test, but I really wasn't. I'm guessing you have a d…
From an endurance perspective, it's well worth taking a 4 section test. I studied for both the FLEX and the 4 section format, and think the 3 section sprint versus the 2 section/break/2 section feel very different, the latter being more taxing.