I hope they leave this up so people can read the comments. 7sage might not have worked for you. It does work for others. I might have been able to score a 178 on my own, but the video lessons contained within this very reasonably priced course certa…
@CSieck3507 said:
@laneward6 said:
If I had to guess I would say that the second LR section was the experimental section. I’ve taken over 30 PTs on here with the four section format and I believe it most closel…
RC (moderate/fair)- African writer, endophytes on grass and leaves, privatization
LG (relatively easy)- summer camp, musicians, clay tablets, designers
LR (easy to moderate)- cameras and conspiracies, sanctions, construction bid…
@SaulGoodman said:
Just took it. My LG was incredibly easy compared to PTs. My RC seemed really difficult relative to my PTs, though. I had Locke/adult education, larvae vs ants, lying politicians, and copyright. I think I did really poorly on…
Learn from it and use it on the retake if your score isn't what you want it to be. My April Test performance wasn't at a level I could accept so here we go again today lol.
Withdraw to reapply next year maybe? Perhaps not having a denial on record would be more beneficial for reapplying next year. All I can think of but I am by no means authoritative.
@123anami said:
@turvsbro omg you're about to save my life
i think it was like $15 but i could be mistaken. somewhere in that range tho. worth it for sure!
@123anami said:
@Platinum said:
Avoid using wifi. Use ethernet cable for internet connection.
I wish I could do this but my only laptop doesn't have the cable slot I'm opting to ban everyone in my house from wifi for the …
Low diagnostics make sense. Other than RC and certain areas of LR, you're trying to think in ways you never have before. You've already made the wise decision of giving yourself a year to study, and if you apply yourself a 170 should be well within …
June. The "Flex effect" is too strong to ignore. It is easier to get a better score with less sections, generally speaking. I was PT-ing in the high 160's and got a 167 in April. Since then, I have cracked into the mid-170's, with my last two PT's b…
Great story with a great climb! Good luck to you in law school! I know how difficult a 20 point climb is and that is no small feat. My diagnostic was a 158 and my most recent PT was a 178, so for anyone out there, I will highly second the suggestion…
@kmatt said:
@turvsbro I think we had the same test. The last RC I had was on legal decision making but where they threw in economics examples. They really got me with that one
Ah yes! I remember now. That is correct. That was a tough one to…
I took it Sunday at noon, felt like the easiest LG section since the June 2007 PT and the RC was fair, but the LR had a couple of tricky ones. Overall, can't complain for my first test, expecting a 168-170 but hoping for a 170-172. Looking forward t…