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  • @sarakimmel Thank you for your insight. I actually saw your comment after the deadline for withdrawal, and did end up taking August - though to be honest I don't think I would have withdrawn regardless. I think that you were right and I was getting …
  • @rizmolly Yeah, that's my concern - if it is like 89, I wouldn't be surprised at another 171 or lower. And lower would be far from ideal, obviously.
  • @whatsmyname Sorry, I should specify I'm not always acing LR or RC - my average for both is around -2. Part of my concern is that my highest scores have been for older tests. I realize this may seem like a stupid thing to be freaking out about, but …
  • I'm in almost the same position - slightly lower GPA (3.73, below most 50% percentiles where I'm looking) with a 171 June LSAT. Debating retaking in August (which would be my third time).
  • To share some personal experience: This bit only applies if LR is an issue, but I highly recommend The Loophole by Ellen Cassidy. I'm not finished with it yet, but it has dramatically helped me get better at certain question types that historically…
  • @RyanazR Thank you for your response, and that's good advice. I'll probably do that and be careful with the phrasing.
  • Thank you both! @KnackPaddyWack : you're right, the decision of whether or not I actually want it is a big question. The 'employment' opportunity is a fairly selective fellowship that would really help my resume (and finances) that I will not be ab…