Your best bet is to take a PT with 3 sections and just add another section of which is weakest. Then you add practice in that section as well as stamina/mental discipline. When you need to take a PT to gauge your score average, replace the experimen…
I second that strategy and yes, to reiterate: there is no penalty for wrong answers so you should neverrrr leave one blank. If time doesn’t allow you to fully work through every problem, you should at least mark an answer for the ones you didn’t get…
Hey! If you are still unable to purchase it and still interested, let me know - if it’s feasible, I have a copy of the Loophole I could send your way! Wherever it is you are, I’m in Alaska and I’ve mailed effortlessly with some of Western and Easter…
I bet it was that @kkole444, always so helpful that one
and I definitely saved that post too! worked through some of those this weekend, got annoyed because I realized I ignored this section for a bit, but got the juices flowing! haha good lucK!
@sarahblair @FindingSage @oychoi79
preachhhh. I second that motion and this is me liking your comments twice
@abatko21 I'm taking it Tuesday as well haha I was just thinking the same thing after reading through all this. my proctor U account was locked for some reason (only for about a day) and although I did want Tuesday, the time slots available were 7a-…
Yea definitely! Firstly, that’s already an impressive score and doubling with school cannot be easy! I would say next step is to solidify the fundamentals, even though your score is high, you could get stuck easily without a core foundation. Either …
oh hey @larnlevitt !! sounds unreal, I always wanted to do trail crew but idk if I could keep up haha
anyway, @andrew.rsn
that analogy is perfect, I haven't heard anything like that before but I'm going to try and keep that in mind! thank you!!
on the real though with the whole test thing - I'm like a fish out of water.
sooo I barely took the math/science classes required for high school so never even chemistry or any test-required class of the more difficult side. so ended year 12 withou…
classic Hardee's - so are you saying we should sit on our front stoop with a newspaper and yell at kids that skateboard by, maybe throw em a "whippersnapper" and then lecture them about "back in my day" how everything we had to do, for some reason, …
Oh hey, sup! 😎 I also am getting ready for the career I have wanted all along - congrats kiddos!!
I’m from Anchorage/Girdwood, graduated high school in 2010, worked at a local brewery and as a ski coach/traveling ski bum mostly for about 8 years a…
sometimes, correct answers to identify the conclusion type questions will be a deduction ish of some sort as long as it 1. has support and does not support any other part of the stimulus and 2. is at least some way shape or form represented in the s…
oh okay, so if I'm using my account often, I should wait until its about to expire and then cancel so that I can just resubscribe shortly after it expires with my new card?
if anyone else is taking the June test and then done for a while, that is the best time to come visit Alaska!I cannot wait to get back to training for the mountain races this summer, go flying, I definitely want to pick back up with sign language ha…
Hey! If you’re still having trouble getting started, I would totally love to give you a quick low down on how to get a solid foundation and start each game off. Let me know if you wanna FaceTime or Skype, games are my jam and I love teaching them! I…
so basically the train does this:
trip 1 - P Q R S T w/3 stops
trip 2 - P Q R S T w/3 stops
trip 3 - P Q R S T w/3 stops
trip 4 - P Q R S T w/3 stops
trip 5 - P Q R S T w/3 stops
it stops at any given station at least once in any two cons…