I had an experimental LR section and the question stems initially threw me off - I can see LSAC changing up their Q stems a bit to make it slightly more trickier/time consuming but I think the fundamentals will remain the same.
@imharris said:
@ifty2nd insomnia has been a lifelong friend of mine. it took me years to develop a routine that keeps it at bay. some typical tricks:
don't eat right before bed, especially junk food.
go to bed even if you're not tired…
Hi @BinghamtonDave, thanks so much for your thought-out response! I agree that my anticipated flaw may be just attacking a premise and not exactly the support bw the premises and conclusion, but just for future references - when coming across a like…
You are so loved and appreciated here. I hope you can still drop by sometime in the BR calls/discussion board so we can still reconnect sometime - thanks for everything you have done for all of us on 7-Sage Tyler.
Thank you everyone! @Pacifico @cjones76 @"Nicole Hopkins" @jdawg113 @twssmith
Very helpful and comforting to know that I didn't completely screw myself over. Will continue to set forth and BR-on!