@"Juliet --Student Service--" said:
Hey everyone,
We're trying to figure out what the most recent percentile conversion is so if you took the August LSAT, please send me your official LSAT score. Here's what we have so far:
172 - 98t…
Also just tip, I know probably nobody else is taking it. but do some warm up questions! I didn't have time to do any warm up LG's and it threw me off because that was my first section...we persevere though!
@"LSATtaker2021-1" said:
My order was LG - RC- LR
1. ordering of student seating (maybe?)
2. upper and lower floors
3. break in at a museum
4. econ course w prerequisites
It was really hard mostly because it was my…
My test wasn't so bad I felt...But I was pissed right when the time went off I just figured out I was wrong about one of the LG's. and it was SO obvious....now it was me second guessing everything.
@sandydanadurst said:
my test scores were hitting my target and now they are lower than they've ever been. no idea what's going on.freaking out!!
This was exactly happening to me last week. I was getting 9 points below my average for like 3-…
According to the website you have a year after your test date to complete it but you won't receive your score until after it is complete I think. And it takes up to 3-4 weeks for it to be processed.