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  • there is actually a one minute delay between sections one and two, as well as between three and four. So you can definitely take 20 seconds to breathe. There's even a little countdown informing you how long you have before the next section begins.
  • I don't think that they are mutually exclusive. I would try doing both. Perfect logic games and let that be your main focus, but also take some time every day to work on RC. If it's an issue of timing with RC, then you can make some big improvements…
  • how are your blind review scores? are they improving? if so, your issue might be timing. If your BR score is the same as your PT score, you'll probably want to review the core curriculum for your problem areas
  • I used to really struggle with parallel method of reasoning questions too. They are really big time sinks on tests even when you get better at them. I have a few tips that might help. You just have to gain as much exposure to these questions as po…
  • @AllDeerWearFear said: Hi Jess, I know exactly how you feel. I recently scored a 176 on a PT and was feeling great only to score 10 points lower on the two subsequent PTs which really triggered my anxiety. I felt like perhaps my high scor…
  • Nothing can really replace going through it all, but if you're going to condense it I would say focus on the core curriculum for areas in which you struggle and start taking PTs/blind reviewing. Use the analytics function to narrow down areas in whi…
  • I had a similar issue with similar scores this month. The only thing that helped me was cutting back on the number of PTs a week. I now take one or two PTs a week and spend the days in between really focusing on problem areas. When I was taking more…