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  • I took Oct and had a TV in the room with no issues, but putting a towel or sheet over it could solve the issue if you're feeling paranoid!
  • @"Mark D33" said: Apologies if this has been asked before, any eta on when 91+ and 92+ will be available to review or score on 7sage? Just finished 91+ & plan to do 92+ before November as these are the most recent tests avaliable. I'm…
  • @Confidence155 said: Thank you so much @hills1111 . Do we need to take the entire 10 minutes intermission or we can resume to get ready for the next section before the entire intermission is over? You can click check in before the 10 mins is…
  • @Confidence123 said: Thank you @hills1111 . Best of luck to you. Do we take the intermission on our own or proctor will monitor the intermission? When I took it in October I'm pretty sure I was told at the beginning of the test to tell the p…
  • No, I took October and my experimental was second
  • @feliciacaten33 said: I took the test four times because my score was so much lower on my first three LSATS than my practice tests. Maybe this isn't the best way to go for everyone, but I went from a 160 or below on three tests (I was scoring …
  • @Confidence123 said: @hills1111 do we need to show proctor our snacks before we start exam? During the test you're not allowed to have snacks on your desk, only the things on the list of allowable items are able to be on your desk. You'll sh…
  • You can do whatever you want during the intermission (minus prohibited things like looking at your phone, discussing the test with others etc). During my intermission I left and came back with a cup full of ice (unsure my thought process that day, b…
  • I usually take PTs in flex mode so then it is graded as 3 sections, then I will just set up a problem set for an experimental. You could also look at the following site that shows the score conversion for 90, 91, 92 which are scored on three section…
  • You'll want to do at least a few practice tests with an experimental just to practice pace and timing. I also add in a 10 min break between sections 2 and 3 as I want to simulate test day conditions as close as possible. I usually just create a prob…
  • @jerslander said: Okay I recall some details on my LR sections: 26 LR: Disease incidence in mountain and lowland oppossums, mayor using offensive terms, iron vs rock meteorites, stone tools. 25 LR: Fruit juice with added colors, mora…
  • @MikeBoyegingepie said: Any one knows whether Powerscore will release a review podcast for this October LSAT? They said on Twitter that one will be released this week
  • Hi Matt- It's the exact same as it is on LawHub. I just looked on LawHub and you can click the clock and hide it so you should be able to do the same on the test!
  • @evaaaaaa They have been released on Law Hub
  • I agree with @crystal0712 that I leave the comparative until the end, but I would add that with the comparative, control-F will often be your friend if you're running out of time. Often the comparative passage will have questions that only deal with…