Hi Sami, I would love to know what is a high and low resolution? I've seen this concept bantered around on this forum and would like to use it. Thank you in advance.
Dear J.Y.
I would love to participate but at the moment I don't have any money to register. I am available for the full duration of the course and I am a beginner with 65% of the Starter package completed as of today and I recognize the value of t…
Hi All, I think this question is great! I am new to 7sage and I love my curriculum, however, I'm still not clear based on all of the comments. I'm thinking that support regards the validity of the argument. Is that true? Also, support can be more t…
Hi Mr. Divine! I have the 7 Sage app and I have a tab that says Discussions but no tab for webinar videos. I'm very frustrated because I spent all day trying to access the sage jimmy 173 anticipating answers video. I also tried to access this on two…