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  • @MrSamIam Thank you! So basically you can use a "must be true answer" for a "could be true" answer, but I can't always use a "could be true" answer for a "must be true" answer? Yes, the book confuses me because it does not provide a lot of detail. …
  • @"Nicole Hopkins" Yeah, I'm just debating on not reading the Kaplan book anymore ha ha. I don't want to get more confused...Thank you all for the kindness and support! I do feel overwhelmed when I get confused, which makes me doubt myself. So thank …
  • @runiggyrun Thank you for your explanation! I actually drew it out on a piece of paper. One question I have is why doesn't the "must be true" bucket and "must be false" bucket encompass the "could be true" bucket and "could be false" bucket?
  • @bbutler Yes, this makes sense! All the details you gave really helped me. The Kaplan book doesn't have nearly that much detail (it's only about a sentence or so), so when I'm confused I have no idea where to go for an explanation. Then the book mov…
  • @Micaela_OVO Hi Micaela. Thank you for the explanation! 8) It was very easy to understand. So basically a statement can be true and it can be false, because we don't have enough information to determine whether or not it is true. So whether or not …