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  • Hi, before I wrote the LSAT I was scoring in the 174-178 range. I tried to address some of your concerns below: 1) Regarding your schedule, I would recommend giving yourself at least one rest day in order to avoid burnout and give your brain time t…
  • There aren't any, unfortunately. All of the PTs have two scored LR sections except for PTs 90-92 (which have only 1 scored LR section plus 1 experimental LG or LR). But you can simulate what it feels like to take a double RC test by choosing a norma…
  • After BR, do you review your wrong answers prior to looking at the explanations? If not, I would recommend doing this. While blind review is useful, I found it even more useful to review questions I knew I had got wrong and attack them until I could…
  • A necessary assumption is necessary for the conclusion to be true. If the necessary assumption is false, the conclusion cannot stand. For NA questions, you want to find an assumption that, if false, would prevent the conclusion from being true.
  • I was averaging around -2 prior to taking the LSAT. I was able to reach this level of accuracy by approaching the passages very methodically (I'm not that familiar with the memory method/low res summaries though, so I can't speak on those). My strat…
  • I think that if one is averaging minus 7-10 per section it points to some lack of understanding, in which case you need to identify areas of weakness. Go through your wrong LR answers and see if you can notice a pattern - is there a certain question…
  • Regarding PT 9 S2 Q12, A is correct because of the reason you stated. Even if purebred dogs are more prone to genetically determined abnormalities than non-purebred dogs, that won't affect veterinary costs if such abnormalities are benign and don't …
  • B is correct because it accounts for why businesses are often willing to shoulder higher taxes but won't sacrifice access to resources or markets. Higher taxes come with a more educated workforce and more services, while no such benefits come with s…
  • Safety expert: Biking on the left side of the road rather than the right side is much more likely to lead to collisions with cars. According to three different studies, the cyclist was riding on the left side in 15-25% of collisions. The question s…
  • Personally, I don't think that being interested in passage content is actually that helpful (I find that when a passage is talking about a topic I'm familiar with, it's almost distracting because I have to actively focus on not thinking about outsid…
  • According to the stimulus, whenever there is a major scandal prior to an election and voters blame all parties equally, all incumbents running for reelection are returned to office. When voters blame only one party for the scandal, however, incumben…
  • The doctor gives two seemingly contradictory reasons for why patients shouldn't have a legal right to access their medical records: 1) medical staff will have to waste time retrieving the records, and 2) patients won't even ask for the records anywa…
  • I think you're referring to PT 3 S2 Q06, not PT 2, so I'm going to go off of that question. In the stimulus, the author states their conclusion (fare must be increased by 40%), and then provides evidence against an alternative course of action (not…
  • What question type(s) are you trying to diagram? Personally, I mostly only diagram parallel reasoning questions because I find that diagramming generally isn't worth the time on other question types. For diagramming parallel q's, making an accurate …
  • Have you been studying/taking PT's since your last LSAT? Unless you are reasonably confident that you can consistently score above 162 by September, I would take the October test (especially if you want to increase your chances at UVic - their media…