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Wario Fan


Wario Fan
Last Active


  • Hm I see what you're saying. I agree that BRing the whole test is inefficient so I'd definitely try and avoid that. I also had kind of a bad habit of flagging too many questions, which would make BR exhausting. I guess I'd give two pieces of advice…
  • Hi there! I've definitely had score fluctuations and have been personally frustrated with them so I think I understand where you're coming from. Our experiences may not be exactly the same (I never practiced on LawHub, but I think it's def smart t…
  • I learned the most from some of the PTs that I did the worst on. Put time into BR and take note of not just the questions you got wrong, but also how you felt throughout the test, and what you can do to not make the same mistakes next time. This is …
  • Hey there! I scored lower than expected on my actual LSAT as well, and since I've started studying for my retake I've learned a couple things that might help you out. I think one major lesson is that PT scores aren't necessarily a perfect reflection…