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  • I love that how you just change the numbers every time. It is the eternal occurrence of Kant.
  • amazing. just amazing.
  • It might be easier to pause at the end of passage A for an overall recap. Paragraph recap->Passage A recap->Paragraph recap->Passage B recap and finally Passage A vs B comparative recap. More training would make this process faster than it …
  • Find the loophole while reading->Predict the right answer->Select. The pre-finding of the loophole mentality is crucial for quick and correct selection. In this question, it is possible to smell that the second most read book may not be a very…
  • Taking the course might to some extent give you a bit more discipline. But the content on 7sage will almost certainly be better than the course itself. Perhaps finding a group of study buddy for the discipline to study 7sage together would be the be…
  • I know someone that got JD and went to a Japanese Zen Buddhism temple for training. I adore him very much. In Beijing there is a Longquan Temple full of ex PhDs from top universities of the world, applying quantum mechanics, etc, to interpretations …
  • i remember there are even five consecutive ones. or definitely there are more than two four consecutive ones. I think there might be an algorithm plus human effort to mess around the answer choices. it is both logic and psychology being tested.
  • RC is much harder with more details, logic functions and tricker inference questions.