I honestly think that if this were true, JY would have made that clear in one of his lessons. I have done this course and the PowerScore Bibles and its never mentioned, so I am sure its not a thing.
I switch it up. I have an office in my house which I use the majority of the time. Sometimes I will study at my kitchen table.
Depending on if I feel like getting out of sweat pants and brushing my hair I will go to the university in my city and s…
I was the same way at first, and I started literally going crazy. I would lock myself in my house all day. It got to the point where if anyone said anything to me that wasn't perfect I'd cry - not good.
I found that in the middle of the day while I…
First, good on you for being so open and honest - strong person you are!
I don't want to cross any lines or get too personal but have you tried seeking out some psychological help? Mental health is just as important as physical health and pe…
@az.avdagic I think sometimes the biggest mistake we can make is comparing ourselves to other people and how they study. We are all guilty of it. However, everyone is different and everyone has a different approach and methods to study which are spe…
A huge thing for me was when I heard Nicole Hopkins say she had no thoughts on if a passage was hard or not, it was just another passage
Yes! I agree @LSATKingsman. After doing SO many RC passages I tried hard to stop thinking about the difficulty. …