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Member, Sage, 7Sage Tutor


  • One thing I might suggest doing to supplement what you're learning from foolproofing is game board set up drills—look at fresh games from older tests you won't use for PTs and try to figure out how you should attack them, getting as far as you can w…
  • This depends on you, really! Since you don't see your score till after completing BR, generally most people want to BR as soon as they can after a PT, but you certainly don't need to finish BR the same day as the test. I tend to tell my clients to s…
  • Hey there! So from what you describe, I don't think there's anything wrong with your Wrong Answer Journal thoroughness if you're able to explain and recognize the problem outside of time pressure. It does take time to sink in, but also I would say i…
  • I believe the drilling pool should be PTs 1-35 rather than 36-45, but regardless, you can definitely feel free to skip ahead! I'd generally suggest starting in the 50s or 60s, to ease in a bit with PTing and get used to the test format before you ge…
  • Hi there! So the questions you should be skipping (if you're having timing trouble) are ones that will take you a longer time to answer than a normal question would—with LG/RC specifically this tends to be a few specific types of questions that are …
  • This is definitely a strategy I've seen tossed around in discussions before! When I was studying for my own LSAT, in particular I saw a lot of people who would advise others to perfect LG and only then move on to improving the other sections, becaus…
  • Hello there! So 80+ will be the closest to the current test, as you've heard, but with so little time remaining until the April test I would advise you to adjust your current study plan. I think you should start doing weekly practice tests now with …
  • Hi there! So if you've already been through all PTs 80 and up, the ones in the 60s and 70s should still be useful to practice on before you have to resort to retesting. If you're not blind reviewing, try incorporating BR on future PTs to get more ou…
  • Hey there! Generally, yes, blind review and debriefing with the answer explanations afterwards is going to take much longer than the basic test would. It's slow, but it pulls a lot of value on each test. However, if you find that routine is wearing …
  • Hi there! Diversity statements can be a great way to build on your narrative. 7sage's admissions team would love to talk through this question further with you—they'll have expert advice on what it could add to your application and how effective it …
  • Hi there! I think the advice to save a lot of drills for later is sound, but I personally would modify it a little. The drills are placed in the curriculum where they are to help reinforce the material as you go and help you retain information, so I…
  • Considering that this is the last test you can do this cycle, the February test is only a few weeks away, you're planning to apply in the fall, and you're still testing several points below your goal at the moment, I would strongly recommend holding…
  • Hey there! RC is generally a difficult section to improve on for many people, but you're doing the right thing by reading outside of your studies as well as the test material. As you get more comfortable with RC, I suggest you start doing sections w…
  • You do get a lot faster with time and practice! But more specifically, one thing I'd suggest is taking extra time to think about how to attack each question most effectively when you're on blind review. Is a question based more on the rules or on co…
  • Edited: Apologies, I misinterpreted this question due to the order of you mentioning blind review—you say you got the correct answer in BR, but aren't sure why? C is a weaker "right" answer (which for an except question, right answers are not what w…
  • You've already gotten a lot of great ideas here, but since you mentioned that you're having difficulties with time anxiety and freezing up, and it sounds like you can get the right answer pretty quickly on BR, I'd suggest stopwatch testing! The way …