I would also use the LSAT analyzer on this site and enter your last 10 PT or so and focus on those areas you are weakest in, using the Cambridge LSAT packs divided by question type. That way you can really work on the specific areas you need help in…
http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=230745 This forum will blow up when the scores start being sent out. If you don't feel like constantly refreshing the LSAC site, you can check that every once and a while and see if peo…
I am going to wait it out. I know I didn't pull it off on that last game but I felt confident in my LR and RC, until I went on all the message boards. I had two LG as well and hit the 4th game with 12 minutes left. I think I was able to get 1-2 on t…
I will snowball off of the skipping topic - when I forgot to skip and get too preoccupied with just solving, I do significantly worse (-5 extra avg per LR section.) Its something you have to really train yourself to do, but I think is super benefici…
I personally didn't find the LG packages worth it. If you just redo all the ones 7S has and bundle those, I felt they were pretty representative. After you start doing PT you can also begin to incorporate those as well. I would just scan them before…
For me the subject matter carries more weight in difficulty. If I see one that has to do with science related article I usually do those last because its usually harder for me to follow. I do the english, humanities, arts, and econ ones first. I fin…
I can't find on the website explicitly where LST gets these numbers for LSAT & GPA, but in just reading briefly over their employment numbers and other research for that information, if they were done similarly, I would lean for LST. LSN states …
I just found this gem on Cambridge's site last night (sorry 7sage.) They've compiled and grouped LR sections by TYPE from the first 38 PT. I have been using it to target specific areas I need work on, including NA. They aren't free, but I think $3-$…
I always went in order within each lesson. However, if I found myself getting bored or needing a different pace, I would finish my current lesson and move on to a lesson on logic games or reading comp. Basically just work on a new subject for a few …