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  • @tanes256 I appreciate the feedback. Yeah, I'm starting to notice that Flaw and Necessary Assumption are the keys to the LR section, at least for me. I've never been a fan of drilling types, but at least on these two I can see how beneficial it coul…
  • @quinnxzhang Based on some of your previous posts, it sounds like you had a strong logic foundation outside of LSAT studies. If so, would you say having a background in logic helped you perform to the extent you have? Would you recommend any general…
  • I struggle the most with LR. Though across the board I tend to get -6 on average on each section, I see there's still some potential with RC/LG because my BR is better on these sections. With LR, I hardly improve on BR. Though I circle nearly half o…
  • @Edmond.Dantes I know this is your discussion topic but do you have advice about "change of mentality" or any approach you personally took to get up to a 170? I've been at this for well over a year (almost two) and I seem to be perpetually stuck at …