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  • Tbh LG was learnable and fun if you got good at it. With 2 LR sections and potentially 3 if its experimental the test will just be even more dreadful and boring, and they'll prolly make the sections harder now.
  • Wow congrats !!! This is very motivating. How many hours did you study on a daily basis ? And do you have any specific tips for LR, I’m struggling a lot with LR. I get maybe -7 wrong to sometimes -5.
  • First of all congrats! I hope things go great and smooth for you on Friday. And if you don't mind, whenever you get a chance, could you please provide a breakdown of all the sources you used, and how you used them. Thanks so much.
  • Under Practice, Click PrepTests, find the specific Preptest from which you want to print the question, and there's click option "Printable." You can convert the section into a pdf, and print just the pages that have your desired question on it.
  • yes you should report EVERYTHING. Figure out a way to write a short concise report of what happened and what you learned from it. That’s all.
  • I feel the same way. Like all I think about is the LSAT, but I just cant get myself to study and time is running out. Even half way through studying I go and check my answers and discourage myself and stop studying all together.