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  • If you can sit at it like a normal desk and don't press the button, you should be fine. Worst case, they could ask about it and you just explain.
  • I had an issue that some others had where a notification kept flashing in the top right corner during the test. It was really distracting, so I asked my proctor and they told me to close out of the program, fix it, and log back in. I did and had to …
  • You probably won't run out of PTs by October or November, so you could start doing PTs in the 70s or later. Some of them are quite different from older tests, particularly the 80s, and it would be helpful to familiarize yourself with those newer con…
  • If you wanted to express these two conditional statements in a single statement, you would write (picked or good) --> ripe. This keeps the information from the original conditional relationships without adding anything else. (picked and good) --…
  • I didn't know what the "Tetris effect" was, but now that I've looked it up, it definitely happened to me with LG. I often noticed myself thinking (both in dreams and in real life) in ways that were similar to going through LG problems. I don't think…
  • I think you get the most value out of PTs if you save them until after finishing the lessons (or at least quite a few lessons). I went through all of the foundations, logic games, and a decent portion of the LR lessons before taking any more PTs (I …
  • I don't think 7Sage has this feature. Elemental Prep has a free tool available called "Camo Review" that does something pretty close to what you are asking. After taking a PT, you can enter your answers for a section and it will give you a list cont…
  • I think the curriculum suggests working through the course before taking any prep tests (aside from perhaps the first cold diagnostic). I think that this is probably the best way to go about it, since as you say, you would be wasting valuable LG and…
  • Q14 is an acceptable situation question, so I think you might be talking about Q19? Q19 gives us an additional premise that F drives exactly twice during the week, and that F doesn't drive on Tuesday or Wednesday. The situation you have above only h…
  • The stimulus says that the British government has been criticized for not releasing info about UFOs, and that requests for information about them from researchers have been ignored. From these premises, the essayist concludes that this behavior make…
  • I'm in a similar situation recently where my most recent practice tests have been among my lowest scores. The tests I took were in the 80s, and some of those have a little bit of a different feel than some earlier tests. There's always going to be t…
  • I think it depends on your comfort level within each section. Logic games is usually said to be the easiest to improve in, which I think is accurate. Completing the 7Sage logic games curriculum, really engaging with it, and foolproofing games can ge…