Hey thank you everyone for the insight. I think it was just a case of burnout as well, I will definitely not lose hope and will continue trying my best. Once again thank you all for giving me some needed motivation! @LSATcantwin @"Alex Divine" @"ale…
@TheMikey My nerves were starting to get better, I was finally starting to feel confident with timing and then today everything seemed to go back to where I was at before I started seeing improvement (not keeping track of time, not skipping, forgett…
@"Alex Divine" thank you so much Alex! I always look forward to hearing your advice. I think over-confidence with RC really hit me hard, and I kinda let go of the fundamentals during logic games for two whole games. I will continue fool proofing and…
@spitzy11 I am aiming for anything above 160! A 162 and my GPA would likely get me into one of the best law schools in Canada. Hopefully I reach that goal in a month or so. But, its comforting knowing that I am not the only one in the same boat. Tha…
One thing that I found detrimental to my studies was comparing myself to others. Some people study for a day and get above 170, some study for months and never reach a score above 150.
My advice would be focus on your own studying, finish the CC, a…
In the process of fool proofing (currently on PT 15) and I have one lesson left for LR. I plan on dedicating all of July and August on PTs (1-2 per week) with blind review, drilling for weaknesses, and fool-proofing. I may postpone though and may do…
@"Alex Divine" thank you again Alex for your advice much appreciated as always! I will continue fool proofing and will return to the CC if need be. I am planning on writing the LSAT in September and hope that I will see some improvement before Augu…
@"Alex Divine" said:
@"Alex Divine" said:
Yes, the question bank, all the test explanations, the ability to re-print out the tests and all the drill sets make it all worth it! Best value on the LSAT on the market!