I came out of the test thinking the first LR was my worst section (LR RC LR LR LG) and after reading through this and the reddit post it seems that was my experimental section...
Honesty I felt that this RC was easier than normal and the A/B passag…
I've read this post several times over the months I've been seriously studying and it has helped me immensely over the long haul. I've listen to my body when it's telling me to go for a run or watch some animated show that gives me the feels to an e…
@"Return On Inference" if you find a good recourse for more difficult/oddball questions please share!! and thank you for starting this!!
I'll try and do a better job of recording what I notice as oddball to post in this thread. In the meantime, thi…
I thought trainer was helpful to solidify the fundamentals that JY covered in core curriculum, took me about 3 weeks to honestly do the exercises and get through it. But if you've already increased 17 points (awesome btw!!) you'd probably be best se…
Edit: I mistook the question
Some A are not B is the logical equivalent to not all A are B.
Which is not the same thing as the logical negation of some, which has a potential range of 0-99 in a 0-100 world.
Check video a bit over a minute in for …
because a low numbered plastic turns to a high numbered plastic.
In other words, the stimulus assumes that the higher numbered plastics were high numbered to begin with, so if one were to stop buying them then there would be less h…
I came here because I was working on PT 23 S3 Q25. I had stumbled across a case of 'except' being used as a group 3 indicator and wanted to determine if it could be added to that group as a rule (now I believe it can). The search engine found @dcdcd…
Your three-sentence biography.
I am in the midst of a year off, studying for the LSAT while helping to manage my family's real estate business. I wrestled division 1 for four years and graduated with a history major, CS minor, and 3.49 GPA. I have b…