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  • Hi there, Goals are going to look different for everyone depending on individual strengths and weaknesses, but that's a major part of it - identify your weaknesses and select goals that specifically target them one at a time. Your goal of reading …
  • Hi there, A few recommendations: -Start with the Core Curriculum (CC) on 7Sage. There are drills / practice sets built in, so you can use those for practice. Usually less difficult questions are presented earlier in the lessons for drills (such as…
  • Have you scored the 160+ on your most recent PTs, or were they taken a long time ago? If they're recent, it's very possible that stress impacted your performance on the official exam and is something that you can try to manage a bit more before your…
  • Hi @mission170, Here are a few tips: 1) I suggest making sure you can answer questions correctly under untimed conditions before drilling under timed conditions. This allows you to take time to map out the stimulus and ACs. 2) What difficulty lev…
  • The above comment brings up a good point about potentially scoring lower on a future exam. Although school's place greater weight on your highest score, admission officers might still be concerned if you re-took and scored lower. However, scholarsh…
  • Do your recent PTs reflect your goal score on the test? If not, I wouldn't use another attempt until you're ready. Going forward, make sure that each attempt is fully utilized and don't rush to take the November LSAT if you scores aren't there yet. …