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  • You were probably just tired or burnt out. Happens to me a lot during studying after work. Make sure you're well rested for the test. I'm taking August as well. It's scary to think that some serious brain fog could roll in and ruin your test, but at…
  • Can you record the sessions and upload them? I have work during both of those times and could use the reading comp tips
  • Think about it this way - you only have two data points. Maybe the second test you took had some topics you are not as strong on. Maybe your third test will be 10 pts above your first. There just really isn't enough data to conclude you have not mad…
    in Discouraged Comment by 33333333 May 22
  • Work 9 to 5 in the office, stay in the office until 9 pm studying. If burnt out from work, go home and take the day off so the burnout does not drag into the next day. Generally will take a 20 to 30 minute walk once work is done to clear up any brai…