I think your score demonstrates a good grasp on the basics, so not sure if the syllabus will help substantially. I hit a slightly higher score on the real LSAT without the curriculum. I really don't know how it helps because I haven't taken the clas…
Mm I'm not sure about that one. From my experience the international vs US LSAT aren't entirely disparate, hence the comparison doesn't stand. My international April LSAT had some overlapping content with the US exam, you see
Xavier is right, learning the fundamentals is a much more important concern than timing. With all due respect and not making hasty assumptions, it may be the case that what you see as a timing issue is more an issue of not having the fundamentals do…
I think your best bet is to directly call the Prometric center that you signed up for and ask these questions As you said the info varies, and that's because the testing environment can vary slightly for each center (for instance - people at differ…
Get min 5 hours of sleep no matter what. If there is any small possibility that your anxiety will be too high for that, anticipate taking the test in a sleep-deprived state
I think you should do both, and that was my approach! That helps compare your method to JY's, which in turn will fill you in on what you're doing right/wrong and the strategies you could newly employ. And you are absolutely not wasting time in strug…
When I first started studying for the LSAT a really good advice I got was: Choose between time and aim. You should either take your time, however long that may be, or you should adjust your expectations. There is no in-between (although ideally we h…
Hi, from what I've heard the LSAC is very lenient with re-tests and honestly your complaint seems valid even without the ADHD taken into account. But the only way you'll find out is by registering a complaint Do it fast, it'll take some stress off …
Hi, I feel what you're going through. Just wanted to encourage you that improving LR and RC as much as LG is indeed possible (I've seen the results; from avg -5/-6 to -2~1 for both parts) and you still have a lot of time! Before trying different str…
For myself, LSAT scores are my bigger assets than my GPA. But I have mad mad respect for high achievers in school, it's a huge indicator of dedication. We all know that this is a learnable test, and in the end I genuinely believe those who believe i…
Hi, what really helped for me wasn't memorizing the specific inferences, but nailing down some general rules that would help me draw those inferences in the game and in other games with similar patterns.
For instance, if I was reviewing a splitting…
Thanks to everyone who's shared their technical issues. Haven't taken a real test yet but judging from these comments I'm just going to assume the very worst, just in case