@Bob Lee Swagger - I debated over the weekend whether to take the Feb. or not. I have yet to decide, but I am leaning towards not taking it. I am a little burnt out, don' think I can improve significantly and I am also very depressed still with my D…
@Bob Lee Swagger - thank you. I am still contemplating on a Feb re-take or Oct. re-take.Just out of curiousity, will you be re-taking? Some of the brilliant lawyers that I work with here have taken their LSATs a few times and also didnt score well.…
@Rasheed N - LG, for PT - I usually get most of them right. At times I will skip the last question of some of the games; for the real thing I got a -7. RC - I don't think I have a good strategy, but I try to mark up the author's views, the critics,…
@ Bob Lee Swagger - I actually got a pretty good resume, rec. letters....... but still got waitlisted last year and didn't get in. Actually I have been advised AGAINST betting on transferring as it is very hard to predict how well/bad you do in your…
Thank you everyone for the kind words.
@mrlsat180 - the problem is that never score that 159-161 on the REAL test, always -10 from the PTs. I believe it may be stamina issue, I always score the worst on the last section.
@TackyTrackSuit - I work …