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  • I took the test before and used it with no problems you can use it. They know it exists and they know we can use it. Plus they have the search bar anyway. The tool is already available and permitted
  • please yall do not think of going to the actual test without consistently getting above what you need. DO NOGT do a mistake I regret deeply! I took the test 3 damn times just to because I register and now I only have two attempts. I registered for S…
  • I am the same I took the test got 143🤣 and this is the fourth attempt (I know I was dumb) now i am scoring 155s but still have almost 2 weeks I am spending min 10 hrs a day just to practice. I will be content with 155s but will aim for 160 . If I …
  • 404 in all practice part at the end of every LR element
  • Me too LoL I scored before the test 148 and that was the highest so I already registered for Jan and not wasting time! Waiting until the results are out to start studying I think it is a lot you may wanna start few hours a day until the results come…
  • Within one week studying on 7sage went from 141 to 148 I know it is awful LOL but it is one week only I am attending every online class I can and registered for Jan Lsat as it is my last attempt! I need to score 160+ I am feeling way more confident …