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  • @drbrown2 said: I would check out the 7sage podcast episodes with high scorers because they talk about their study routines and what worked/didn’t work. Your estimate of hours available to study per week is probably unrealistic because you won…
  • @"Alex Divine" said: @Taxlaw127 said: @"Alex Divine" said: @Taxlaw127 said: Hello, Everyone! I just took my first diagnostic, and I am wondering should I only BR the LR or should I also BR …
    in . Comment by Enjoythejourney July 2017
  • @"Alex Divine" said: @Taxlaw127 said: Hello, Everyone! I just took my first diagnostic, and I am wondering should I only BR the LR or should I also BR the games/RC? I have no clue whats really going on with the games, so I think th…
    in . Comment by Enjoythejourney July 2017
  • How long did the CC take? Also, how much more confident do you feel since you started 7sage compared to now?
  • @"Alex Divine" said: Welcome to 7Sage! Nice diagnostic! I started right about there and through completing the CC and some hard work was able to pretty quickly hit the 160s. Missing 18 LG questions on the diagnostic is nothing, I'm prett…
    in . Comment by Enjoythejourney June 2017