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  • A few of my ADHD accommodations like separate testing room (because I can't concentrate with other people around me making noises, fidgeting, etc) means that I have to take the test remotely. Unfortunately, I also cannot take the test at home becaus…
  • The format changed between June and September so it could have something to do with that. I took June and August and went down 2 points. The questions were slightly different and logic games were removed. I would retake if your practice scores were …
  • When I got my accommodations approved for extra time and a few other things it said I had to take the test remotely. When I chose the day and time for the test, it showed my extra time on there (I asked for 100% extra time which makes it an 8 hr day…
  • I should have graduated with my BA in 2009 (complicated, but unknown disabilities impacted this), I am having to grab a couple credits this Spring/Summer to finally officially finish. I have 2 kids, 7 and 11 years. I'll be 40 this year, looking to e…