Thanks for all the suggestions guys I'm definitely going to try studying at a cafe near work to make it easier on me.
@"Kyle...." I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with the same crazy schedule. I'm just starting off and have already seen small …
I am definitely going to try out both to see which one works best with me. This is actually similar to what I was doing but felt it was just a lot of work and wasn't sure if there was an easier way to sketch. > @"Leah M B" said:
My approach w…
I like your way better. I felt my way was too much work which is why I just stopped and asked for help.
What I did was a chart with the xyz on the side and the attributes above. where I check marked whether it was applied or not. But I then still h…
Thank you! Knowing i can reach out for help when I get stuck helps tremendously. > @TheMikey said:
I write this kind of rule out as something like: [ C - B - D ] with a little switch type of line above connecting C and D telling me they can s…
Distribution and matching games tend to confuse me. Not on their own but when it is a hybrid game because the way the rules are set up I get confused on how to write them and lose points.
@akistotle said:
@Amaldonado178 said: