Depends a bit on how long you've been studying and if you're having problems with any particular set of questions. I was doing PT's every 2-3 days and stuck at virtually the same score, took a week off with light studying, and then came back and PT'…
If you can identify consistent LR question types you are missing, I would focus on those. RC passages are IMO very difficulty/topic dependent, so if you already have a strong enough strategy for RC I would try and foolproof your LR. I'm in the same …
Just went to a law school fair this past weekend and spoke with ~10 admissions officers from different schools ranging from mid-size mid-rank to larger and higher ranked. I would say I've also had unique circumstances surrounding my education journe…
Haven't taken the test yet so I'm not sure how detailed the returned scores are - but I am assuming based on your comment it is just the total and raw score without any detailed analytics.
I would say this: The only way to keep a "bad score" to con…
Hello! I would recommend just watching and taking notes through the foundations, go at your own pace to make sure you're really absorbing the information. As you get into specific problem types and question type units, there will be a blend of "you …