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  • thank you so much everyone for the replies, this really means a lot to me!
  • just in case, leave 10 PTs unsolved (half from old and half from recent). Also feel free to solve the LG section since re-doing LG section can only help but do not touch the LR and RC sections. I am re-taking soon and those 10 extra PT I did not sol…
  • Hey, I was in a similar situation; struggling with time, getting at least 6 wrong per section on questions that was hard or because of a careless mistake. I was on a verge to call it a quit but proceeded with drilling and memorizing questions. But e…
  • Just keep on doing BR and eventually you will develop your own methods for recognizing patterns and flaws. You will find yourself finding the right answer choices quicker. But remember to note common flaws you often make and remember them as you tak…
  • I actually think reading the LR BIBLE and watching JY's logic lessons are sufficient for you to fully grasp the understanding of formal logic for the LSAT. For the Some and most relationship topic, I found it easier to follow the Bible's technique b…
  • I was in a similar boat as you- getting questions wrong even without being timed. But things have improved so much after I began reading excessively. I was out of school for a bit and I majored in something that did not require much readings. After …
    in Need Help Comment by beemomo8 April 2014
  • I understand the flaw of the the answer (C). I actually wanted to know the logicality of converting unreasonable to reasonable since J.Y did not immediately eliminated (C) after reading the unreasonable part of the premise and I thought there was a …
  • Doing a light stretch session and listening to feel-good songs before taking the tests helped me out extremely. Also eat some dark chocolate before you start
  • ok, I see what is going on here...hopefully I can elaborate on this question. so the p: W--->L c: PT--s-->/W we need to find a way to connect the premise and the conclusion right? what can I do to make PT--s-->/W from W--->…