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  • Thanks so much!!
  • @"Alex Divine" said: No problem! Happy to be of any help. Remember, you can retake those newer tests you've already taken, as well as the sections. I think PTs can be done 3x and still have amazing efficacy for your skill improvement. Sure, …
  • @JDtobeeee said: @mlhsundaresan What is the Nicole Hopkins notation strategy? Watch the video a couple times then try it out- amazing strategy in my opinion!
  • Thanks so much for the reply and for your words of encouragement! I was following a self-study method, and had actually only actually done 10 full, timed PTs (SuperPrep A, B,C, 72, 78, 73, 80, 70, 76, 75), but the self-study method I was following …
  • @"surfy surf" said: I had 2 RC sections, 2 LR, and 1 LG (in that order from what I recall). In my last LR, I noticed a sort of grammatical error in one of the questions towards the end (maybe around #17 or so). I don't remember the exact p…
  • COMPLETELY agree with all of this. I also had an experimental LR and I thought the three of them were very difficult, but I thought maybe there was something wrong with me because I too struggle with RC and got through it with time to spare. That on…
  • @akistotle said: @mlhsundaresan said: This is SUCH a specific question to ask on the topic of testing environment, but do you guys know if the test is usually administered in such a way that the entire classroom is not doing the sa…
  • Thanks so much for the replies guys! I was PTing between 166-172, but my blind review score (like I said, I found 7Sage late so I didn't blind review as much as I should have) was 175-178, with most of my problems in reading comp. If I end up with a…
  • This is SUCH a specific question to ask on the topic of testing environment, but do you guys know if the test is usually administered in such a way that the entire classroom is not doing the same section? I wrote it today and while I was doing LR ma…
  • Yes I finally figured it out! Thank you!