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  • Interested as well!
  • @georgiannajd2b said: @stephy95182020, just wanted to tell you not to get discouraged! I started out the same way, my PT's were always in the lo 140's, but I had already registered, so I took the LSAT and scored a 141. Obviously I wasn't ple…
  • @btownsquee said: I agree with the 4 hours a day. Remember these are 4 hours of focused study - not 4 hours total while you study and check in on social media every few minutes kind of study. If you are 143, You are definitely at the stag…
  • Wow thank you so much for this and everyone else who is showing so much support. Once I withdrew from the LSAT, I completely went MIA on here so I apologize for the late reply but reading everyone's comments has helped me reassure myself I am on the…
  • @CinnamonTea said: Although I think it is positive development for test takers overall, I feel like the 3-times-in-2-years rule also serves to motivate many people. I can see the motivation in the 3times/2years rule, but when I first found o…
  • Yeah that is crazy, definitely made my day. Thanks @akistotle !
  • @dml277 really?? i thought you could only take it 3 times every 2 years.. i read this somewhere on the lsac website if im not mistaken, does this apply to exams before the september one? or is this not true?
  • I was going to take the June LSAT and I started prepping around January but fell off because I prioritized school. I thought maybe I could cram last minute and I tried once school was over about a week ago.I spread myself too thin and underestimated…