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Hunt Lind


Hunt Lind
Last Active


  • @Zachary_P said: This is almost worse than test day This is 10000x worse than test day. I wasn't half this nervous walking into that exam room.
  • What does this mean? How do they curve? @akistotle said: Yikes....I wonder what the curve is....
  • Wait, what is this curve you are speaking of? I am now horrified. @tfatherree said: Did anyone feel like this was (as far as the LSAT goes) an unusually straightforward, if not overtly soft test? RC was moderately difficult, for sure, but no…
  • SAME. I had multiple 2 or 3's of the same letter in a row and it was making me real nervous @Hannah56 said: I don't know if this is an allowerd question, please delete if it's not. But the last LR with 25 Q's had a lot of straight line bubbli…
  • I had only two LR sections and I saw that one also @kregerrm said: Had 3 LR and the last one felt quite a bit harder and just a little different from the first two. There was a parallel reasoning question in the last one about draining a mars…
  • Took my last PT today and got my highest score yet! Tomorrow I'm gonna rest up and walk into that room on Monday prepared to DESTROY.