Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
Don't eat a big lunch, it will make you sleepy.
If you exercise try to do a bit longer of an exercise. I run, I can normally get some pretty good endorphins from a 6-8 mile run.
I wouldn't worry much abou…
Have you used other sources than just 7sage to learn logic games? My advice would be to go out and buy a manhattan or powerscore book on logic games. Gain another perspective.
For me RC was/still kind of is a killer but I am doing much better afte…
Thank you for posting a link. I will look into it. Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time studying logic do you have an opinion toward taking a course on it? Would it be better to just cover as many LSAT logic books as possible or to take…
You trolling? Could find no such course and Stanford is not even a school of edx. I know Stanford has many courses with coursera. Here is the closest thing to the course you mentioned that I could find.
I blind review every question in 7Sage, so everything takes me so long. One thing that I am noticing is that with RC, I do not do terribly when doing the blind review. I mostly just do bad when I have the 35 min time limit. I will read more and a lo…
Computer Science major here. No. I have not come across a problem yet where math is an important skill. If you know what numbers are bigger than others you should be fine. Just make sure that you are familiar with major terms, like what an average i…
How strictly should we adhere to this graph? I have no clue where I would fall on this graph if I did outstandingly well on the LSAT. Is GPA a good indicator on who gets selected? Who would Harvard accept, a computer science major with a 3.2 and a …