@brizzle525 said:
I'm an American, but taking the October LSAT in Japan, as my husband is active duty military and we are stationed here. I'm sure you'll be fine.
This is great. Thanks !
@Kermit750 said:
I'm pretty sure you can. I've heard of people taking the exam outside the US even though they aren't citizens of that country.
@TrinkSchoko said:
However, I’d suggest making a plan to adjust to jetlag, to the local food and to bring your own pencil/snacks if you already get used to them. Good luck!
Damn. Yeah I didn't think about that. Thanks !
Wow. That is impressive. I had no clue this was a method of prepping.
Ok so just a clarification, how do you record yourself? Specially per question? I ask because won't that break your momentum while taking a PT? Or do you just put a camera over y…
I'm sorry, I'm new to this. Record yourself why exactly? And how? I'm getting the feeling that it's something very common and I have NO clue what it is. Lol