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  • This is an example of a diversity statement prompt from UPenn Law: Describe how your background or experiences will enhance the diversity of the Penn Law community (e.g., based on your culture, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender …
  • I actually wrote my diversity statement about depression! Contrary to the earlier post, I would argue that overcoming mental illness counts as diversity. Diversity isn't just international/ethnically diverse/LGBTQ - it is any unique perspective tha…
  • @"samantha.ashley92" said: @swatowski0 that's a great improvement just from highlighting! I just finished taking the RC section of PT 65 and got 11 questions worse than my diagnostic. I literally don't understand how I went from -4 on my diagn…
  • I started using the highlighter mainly during my BR's. I would use it to highlight the conclusions in all the LR questions, so that over time, I would subconsciously start to recognize the structure of the individual LR questions as I go through the…
  • I went to FIU undergrad! The FIU law school is a really great program. Its class sizes are pretty small and it provides a more intimate learning space. Its a relatively new school (it was created in 2000), so its ranking is not spectacular (althoug…
    in FIU Comment by swatowski0 July 2018
  • @uhinberg said: Many sessions run by sages are not turned into actual webinars, but are available on You Tube. There's only a few sessions uploaded under the 7 Sage Channel.... is there a different place I should be looking at for the videos…
  • @sami It's interesting to note that I did not actually anticipate that the modern tests were harder so you can only imagine my surprise when I got a 163 after getting 167-168 on my previous practice tests (taken from practice tests 55-62, can't rec…
  • I also agree with Vanessa that the newer tests are harder and I have seen my scores drop -5/-7 points. For one, what makes the LR section harder (for me personally) is that LSAT now sprinkles in harder questions in the first half of the section, as …