I'm fairly certain that the 7sage predictor factors in what month you apply! So you should plug in your 166 with an early october app, compared to let's say 168/169 with a december app and see what it says!
Also, you can apply now and still retake
@"Leah M B"
If I recall correctly, it wouldn't let me register for October because it said "already registered" or something like that cause it viewed October to be equivalent to September!
I wrote a test center complaint email thing about an …
I recently moved and I wrote the Sept test and tried to register for Oct here, and LSAC wouldn't let me register as October I think = Sept + Nov
@practicethepause said:
I had LR, RC, LR, LR, LG.
My first two LRs had 26 questions each and my last LR had 25. I'm assuming that one of my first two LRs had an experimental.
In S1 LR, I had a question about Freud? I'm not sure if I'…
Got this email from USC:
"Our Binding Early Decision offers you the benefits of being awarded a scholarship of at least one-half tuition which is guaranteed for all three years. By December 15, you could be committed to a law school with world cla…
GOOD CATCH !!!!! I did not know that, dang that sucks!!! Northwestern is one of my top choices
A lot of people seemed to think that PT 73 was particularly difficult, but strangely enough, PT 66 and 73 are my best scores to date.
So what some might find difficult, may be easier for othe…
From my understanding, it's basically only based on LSAT scores, as I received fee waivers after my Sept LSAT last year, without having any other info available (such as transcripts) on LSAC.
They do it to increase applications. For example, I got …
I emailed them saying I wanted to switch to a site that was "unavailable" and they did it for me (with no charge!)
So I would just email them and explain to them your situation
I have been REALLY struggling with RC too!
I scored a 166 last September AND TWO THIRDS OF THE QUESTIONS I GOT WRONG were from RC......
Recently I bought a copy of the LSAT trainer, and I found that to be really helpful !!!!!
I thought it complim…
Your reports will not be sent out until you click "submit application" and pay the $40 LSAC fee or whatever, on top of the application fee per individual school.
So I would purchase it sooner rather than later
for example, UBC drops your lowest 4 courses, Univeristy of Toronto drops your lowest year, and other schools in Ontario simply look at your final 2 years of undergrad! So I would su…