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  • I don't think it's necessary. FWIW last cycle I got into HLS without writing a Why X statement or a tailored personal statement. The general consensus I've heard is that for the top 6 schools, they already know you want to go there and so you don't …
  • @"Second Language" said: @"HLEGC.2003" said: @"Second Language" said: @"HLEGC.2003" - what do you mean by applied to NYU in Sept and April? I am pretty new to the application process. Can you apply multiple times …
  • @"Second Language" said: @"HLEGC.2003" - what do you mean by applied to NYU in Sept and April? I am pretty new to the application process. Can you apply multiple times to a single school? No, I just applied in September and by the time April…
  • I'm not currently being ghosted by any schools, but I applied to NYU in September and by the end of April, they still hadn't given me a decision. I wound up getting annoyed and just withdrawing before they got back to me haha. That's crazy you still…
  • Yeah this cycle has been super slow! I applied in October and November and I still haven't heard from like 6 schools. I got accepted at one school after waiting for four months and just got an interview invite at a school that I applied to in the fa…
  • @canihazJD said: Yes, the school you assign the letter to will get an update regardless of whether it is a new letter or existing but newly assigned letter. Awesome, thank you!
  • @lexxx745 said: @lexxx745 said: I did the same as @noonawoon! i ignored the why law in general and just wrote why duke and i was accepted Awesome. Congrats!
  • @noonawoon said: Hey! I think you will be fine not following the prompt exactly. For the Optional Essay 1 "You may submit an essay providing additional information about why you have chosen to apply to law school in general and Duke in particu…
  • Good idea, I think I will do that. Thanks!
  • I think you'd be better off focusing on the specific experience you think is the most impactful, even if it's from before college. I'm no expert, but from my understanding, it's fine to talk about a past experience as long as you show how it's still…
  • That makes sense, thanks. Best of luck on your retake!
  • Follow up question for anyone who might know: UChicago says "Any large differences between LSAT scores, GRE scores, or GMAT scores should be explained in an addendum" Does anyone have an idea of whether a six point increase would qualify as a "large…
  • Thanks. Yeah, good point. I'm going to try to avoid writing one. This would mainly be for Michigan, which asks for an explanation if there's a difference of six or more points.