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  • Thanks everyone!! I emailed LSAC and had received the confirmation email.
  • @Rtwrtw8 said: Note: answer choice A uses extreme wording such as "any". The stimulus states that: infants cannot control... the treatment that they receive Not their actions. We don't know if there exists some action th…
  • @"surfy surf" said: Great GPA and LSAT score! If you're adamant on going to law school immediately after graduating, then yes of course spend the summer studying. You already have some awesome ECs under your belt. Maybe intern part time over t…
  • @"Leah M B" said: @"" said: @"Leah M B" said: I think that's a very wise decision to postpone until June. I also want to note that you absolutely need to make sure you don't sacrifice a single point off you…
  • @"Leah M B" said: I think that's a very wise decision to postpone until June. I also want to note that you absolutely need to make sure you don't sacrifice a single point off your GPA while studying for the LSAT. You can go to law school any t…
  • @danjamesdanjames said: OP- you've already paid for Saturday so why not just take it and then cancel your score? This could help you get used to taking the test in the real environment. Its also fine to withdraw. You can take it any of …