At least you guys have more shots! While i am glad i dont have to study for lsat anymore i wish i had another shot. So use your 3 shots wisely and plan ahead and see where you could really improve. Sometimes matter of few points make huge difference…
I already expired my 3 retakes so most likely to never look at lsat again. I am whatever with my score enough to get scholarship from chapman, loyola may or may not get accepted to uci and usc. I have improved 12 points from my diagnostic in 9 month…
It seems like most of your problem is not the techniques but what I call "personal demons". I struggle with these demons as well, such as confidence issue, burnout and letting the test control you instead of controlling the test yourself. I really d…
I did not ask about the score per se, but in general: avg pt or way off the pt, specific difficult section etc. I performed especially bad in RC than usual, so was wondering if the fellow 7sagers felt the same.
Yeah all the sections are wrong. They are from pt73. Maaaaan did really solid on two LRs bombed the game and the RC.
Did anyone else struggled with the Mexican-Americans passage or was it just me? Can't help but feel that they have been increasing …
My favorite moment: my husband always hangs around when i listen to J.Y's logic game videos. So when i was taking practice tests I used J.Y's proctor voice. My husband goes: hey that sounds like the guy in your videos! I was like: yeah it is the sam…