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  • @"Better every day" said: If you are looking to clerk and teach then I think a strong argument can be made for Virginia. Check my post above Virginia does great with clerkships and it is much easier to break into academia comin…
  • @bruingirl1205 said: @splitter_saga said: I'm in the same boat @splitter_saga ! UVA is my top choice but the thought of paying sticker is really stressing me out. I'm interested in clerking/government but I'm not complete…
  • Checking in as I too am weighing UVA @ sticker (250k debt burden upon graduation) vs. WashU with a nice scholly (90k debt burden at graduation) and Wisconsin with 30k debt. Also sitting on 4 T14 WL's FWIW. I would like to clerk and potentially move…
  • Is there anything to do besides submit FAFSA inbetween submitting and waiting for decisions? Was wondering that myself the other day.
  • I took both... then called around to the T20ish schools that were accepting the GRE, and at least a few months ago when I did this, they said they were looking for GRE scores in the top 3-5% on EVERY section V/Q/AWA to be competitive, and they did n…
  • @AngusMcGillis said: I've switched to a flip phone. It's been a game changer. haha mannn i've really been contemplating that but then rationalized that sometimes I really do need maps/gps and email on the go for instance
  • @LastLSAT said: Will the relative increase in absolute number of high scorers VS low scorers somehow affect the percentile assigned to each score? Eg. 172 becomes 97.5th percentile VS ~99th? I was noticing in the Spivey data..that among the …
  • @PearsonSpecterLittUp @Patroclus i've been wondering why he thinks that too! if you go back and look historically, once an upswing starts, it's not a one-year affair... and why would the trump bump be only a one year thing?
  • @LastLSAT I have a major gpa of 3.4
  • @"Seeking Perfection" haha I also am not a proficient touch typer.. thank you for the in-depth response! Yeah I guess I would say my main re-taking fear would be having a bad day and scoring even say a 170-172 (I had one 174 PT but most were in that…
  • @"Seeking Perfection" can you walk me through your motivations for re-taking when already at a 172? I have a 173 but a sub 3.0 GPA and so am mulling over a re-take. Also would be interested to hear about your experience starting studying back up, al…
  • @stepharizona said: Im a bit higher but still a splitter. Mines almost 18 years old and it can be souls crushing especially with 2 Masters at 4.0... that count for Zero... The biggest thing is to hit that 75% LSAT number to get in... but …
  • @AmateurProphet update on your cycle? i'll be a splitter applying in the future and wondering how high up I can aim
  • @"Leah M B" said: To clarify, are you basically asking if UCI is a good school to go to? Like, what are your job prospects? If that's the question, I think UCI will serve you well. Yes, it's a new school. But it already has a very good re…
  • @"Paul Caint" said: I had a friend who had a ~2.9/177 and got a full ride from UVA. I'm guessing you could get the same from a lesser-ranked school - somewhere where you are far above their 75th percentile LSAT. would you consider +3pts…
  • @tylerdschreur10 said: Definitely apply early and put extra effort into your PS and GPA addendum. It's always hard to predict splitters, especially as extreme as you, but odds are good you'll get into at least one t14. I would apply everywhere…
  • @"Alex Divine" said: @splitter_saga said: Hi all, with a 2.92 GPA / 173 LSAT can I reasonably think about schools in the latter half of the T15 (#7-15) range? Or are those "reaches"? If they're reaches, where would my "targets" be?…
  • @LSATcantwin said: Hey! What's up fellow splitter. I'm a 2.83/171 applicant. And right now I've applied and am going through but my situation is unique I believe. That said, I think you'll have a good shot. Apply early, build …
  • @10000019 said: People with your stats have gotten into T15 schools. It’s getting pretty late in the cycle tho Oops forgot to mention I am not applying this cycle. Thanks.