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  • Hi Aiesha! First of all, let me say congratulations on graduating college AND on having your baby!! I would say... don't get yourself too psyched out. People make this test like it's super hard, and it's really not. It's testing the most basic abili…
  • I would actually advise retaking the old ones (or at least a few) before exhausting all current ones that are still prime material for your simulated testing. I've done this, and I found it especially helpful when I needed to build confidence and ov…
  • I think it's fine to reuse the tests if you want to correct timing deficiencies, practice coping with testing anxiety real time, etc. Don't waste new tests if it's these skills that you are trying to work on. And if these are weak spots, I would s…
  • Also, it just points more to the attitude your approaching the test with that reading is the one suddenly dropping. It requires the most sustained focus, because you've got to follow an entire passage as opposed to a 3-5 sentence blurb. I would say …
  • I can tell you with a lot of confidence that the fact of you being frustrated and nervous is a MAJOR CONTRIBUTING FACTOR to your score irregularity. I would have a conversation with myself about why I'm assigning so much meaning to this test (not …
  • Also, remember to use linguistic triggers to help spot an ACTUAL clearly defined relationship as opposed to language that merely indicates two things tend to be observed together. As a very general rule of thumb, when I see an absence of formal la…
  • You might like to start taking some vitamin supplements if you don't already. Research by Dr. Eric Braverman says vitamin balance in the body makes a world of difference - and I've experienced this myself firsthand. Off the top of my head I would re…
  • I think using a stop watch and writing down how long it took you will be a more informative approach.
  • You mean bodyweight squats as in with weight on the bar over your shoulders or you mean just your bodyweight?
  • I did analyze them, but it's been long enough since I've taken them that I'm not merely memorizing. Considering I've already reviewed, I should get a perfect score on a test I've seen, studied, and understood. However, today I actually got a few wro…
  • Hi, I'm in the range you're looking for. I just saw the Study Buddies feature myself, and I was looking to see if anyone else already posted looking for someone. :-D If I'm in luck, you are taking the December administration... *fingers crossed* Pl…
  • I think you should review them however best works for you first (read your own notes in your own handwriting, rewatch the videos, read the pdf, whatever) until you feel you understand each of them. Think about how they relate to each other, think ab…
  • I had the same problem! Thanks for the tip!