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  • I can totally relate. Working as a full time RN in a busy department is not helpful for studying either!! What I've learned to do is to get as much sleep as possible. Even if this means sleeping in and missing some time studying, it invariably makes…
  • Thanks so much everyone for your advice and encouragement. I'll keep your suggestions in mind keep on keeping on Some great ideas to switch up how I've been studying. Good to hear that I'm not the only one with this problem!
  • I wish I could say that it's a type of game I consistently get wrong. The only ones I consistently get correct are single layered sequencing game. I have noticed that ones where it's not possible to draw lots of inferences at the outset I tend to ha…
  • I usually repeat each game 2-3 times because I have memorized all the inferences and can do it in around 5-6 minutes. I'm not sure there's really any point in redoing it if I've already memorized it. Maybe I'm wrong though.