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  • " an outcome will ensure that outcome." That sounds like sufficient assumption talk. If something is sufficient, then it ensures that the outcome will happen
  • I myself was coming to the same conclusion. My workaround is this: I'll continue to do it the older way, on actual printed questions, until I feel much stronger on the material and the CC. Then, once I have done a better job of internalizing everyth…
    in * Comment by tomdesabla July 2019
  • "THANK GOD for the LSAT - the greatest equalizer available to students attempting to go to law school." Equalizer. Yeah. That's what I've thought all along, but... A few months ago I picked up one of the many privileged prep school kids in DC (Ube…
  • I think we have to continue the process until we are losing very little when we wait several days. We continue to do logic games until we find the inferences quickly, even in new games. I know I'm not there yet, but I haven't hammered it hard enough…
  • I'm looking up to you and at you, so congratulations. Now don't stop. Try to get them under time.
  • I don't know for sure, but if you're going to take it again, then I wouldn't write any addendum yet. What if you say you're a terrible standardized test taker, and then your second score goes up by 15-20 pts? Then that would just say you were unprep…
  • I think it's a terrible needless decision to force people to write on an entirely separate piece of paper instead of right next to the questions. Yeah, I get it, everything is going digital, but this was a mindless decision. Going digital purely for…
  • @"Dillon A. Wright" said: The Judge's Opinions one was real. Astronomy is experimental. @bswise2 said: I had 2 RC. One had a passage about astronomy and the other had a passage about judges' opinions. Anyone who can shed light o…