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  • @Pacifico, I try to avoid TLS as much as possible but I will check it out. All of these books say the professors will try to keep key information from you hoping that you will intuitively know to look for what you don't even know exists. So, I'm not…
  • Take more! once you hit 20 you will notice how much faster you are getting. RC was also my hardest and I was able to start anticipating the questions that would be asked which dramatically improved my time. I know that 10 or 12 seems like a lot of t…
  • "What's fascinating is that you will be one of these poor people..."
  • @nicole.hopkins thanks, I think it's so much better to hear real stories rather than just people's scores. I read someone's comment that it took them at least 12 to even start to see a difference and I remembered that when I was not seeing a change.…
  • I didn't start getting the score I ultimately got on the LSAT until I had take about15 pts. The more the better. There is a pattern and the only way to recognize it is to keep seeing it. Keep going and don't be discouraged. I studied from July-May w…
  • 33 starting in 2 weeks but looks like my class is mostly 22-25. @Ooglymoogs map shows you are right across the street from me, I just took the June lsat, let me know if I can help.
  • @nicole.hopkins I'm sure you would have a huge increase from the first time! Maybe it was a risk but retaking it made me feel really good going into June's test, like whatever I wasn't getting before, I did get now. Oddly enough I scored +2 from my…
  • @7sagelsatstudent180 what was your most difficult test?
  • @gs556 lol. A "sage" says over-hyped! What about for us common folk? 72 was the stuff of nightmares the first time around and I didn't even realize it when I was taking it. The second time I had taken like 15 tests in between so I don't think I reme…
  • Lr was the worst I had ever scored. Not sure why, just didn't click for me.
  • @nicole.hopkins is right on 72! Skip it, seriously that test shattered my confidence before feb 2015. I was scratching my head thinking there must be something I did worng to score 10pts lower than usual. Nope, just got them all wrong. I retook jus…
  • Prep tests are like gold. Don't waste!
  • I used 7sage and 30ish prep tests. 8 months in 155, 12 months in 168... if I worked harder in the 8 months maybe I could have scored higher, but the more time the better. JY mentions in one of the first 7sage videos to give yourself 12 months. At th…
  • I applied in Feb but after receiving my score asked that my app not be considered until I retook in June. I did, results in July and was accepted 2 weeks later (and heavily pursued by other schools whose application deadlines had far passed). I thin…
  • You can't tell. By the end you can obviously tell which section you had an extra of. The best thing to do is use it in your favor. I really thought I did horribly on section 1, instead of letting it get me down, I said "it could be experimental" and…
  • I was -0 to -2 in logic games with my pt and -6 on actual june test. My advice is to master lr, they are the most in quantity and there is little variation. Rc and lg can go either direction even with the best preperation dwpending on what you get. …
  • You know the answer. I completely respect family so i mean this with no disrespect, they will not be paying this debt. And the guilt of your grandfather possibly "not being able to see you graduate"? If that happens, is ok. He will know. He won't se…
  • @smalone313 I also took an undisclosed test in February. I scored far below what I was expecting and I still don't know what went wrong. I think in hindsight, it was better that way. I did not obsessively analyze my weaknesses, I just started over a…
  • Feb 2015 A)158 B)160 C) 155 June... B)167 C)168 There is something so pretty about a number that starts with 17_ but I will happily take my 13 pt increase. Thank you @"J.Y. Ping" you actually made this journey enjoyable.
  • @dave.arpino amazing!!!!!
  • Yes yes yes. It is!
  • @ggjones sounds like no matter what, you trust that the score will get you to the place you need to be at this point in your life. It's a good place to be, I still stress about the score a little but I know that if the score is not what I needed for…
  • @mpits001 it should be handled like the baby "gender reveal" parties. You hand the unseen score to... Let's say a bakery, then they somehow now incorporate this score into the cake. You gather every freaking person you know, bring them to your house…
  • @visualcreed I can't wait for the law school headache, and the law firm headache, and the headache that the clients will give. The opposing counsel headaches, the court headaches, bring them all on!
  • @ggjones When my Feb score was released I was much less anxious, I never checked, I just knew I would get notice whenever they were ready. I had even forgotten the release date until the day before (you would thing I had some stellar stats with my …
  • @visualcreed the headache of law school...
  • Seriously, I'm pretty bummed that never again will logic puzzles play a role in important life matters. "Oh, we would love to give you this job but first, Mindy, Navarro, Octavio, Paul, Quinn, and Randell were hired to work between the years of..."
  • I'm actually starting to drill logic games again just to convince myself that I knew what I was doing during the test and my score will be fine. And because I'm having LSAT prep withdrawals and I miss the games. I'm sure I will start to make crazy p…
  • I just woke up to this in my email, thank you! I didn't know this was a thing, but I appreciate everything about 7Sage and I am already going through LSAT withdrawals knowing that all of this prep wont be a part of my life anymore. I was really hopi…