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Assumption Assassin


Assumption Assassin
Last Active


  • @nicole.hopkins typed this on an iPhone. T14*.
  • @nicole.hopkins by "handled it" I meant did someone with a similar experience reach out to the admissions office before applying to see if this indicated there was a legitimate chance of admissions, how did they approach without saying I think you h…
  • @DumbHollywoodActor @Pacifico @nicole.hopkins I definitely recognize this is recruitment. The question I had was why recruit someone with my profile. I was hoping someone with a similar experience would be able to shed some light on this, advise a…
  • @pritisharma Seems like a lot of time, energy and money spent just to inflate numbers. Playing to students in minority groups is low too. I'm speaking with the student group they put me in contact with, hoping to get their perspective since, if an…
  • @Alejandro Ok thank you. I was hoping someone could speak on this. Very similar situation here, they put me in contact with a student group and all as well. Kinda mean spirited if you ask me.