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  • @ktvarda1 said: @cbyrns21 thank youuuuuu for all of your encouraging words. I REALLY needed to hear that today. I’ve been crying literally for the past hour because I’m just so emotionally and mentally exhausted from this and I just want to hi…
    in HELP!! Comment by cbyrns21 January 2018
  • @ktvarda1 said: @"sbc.mom_3x" hi! I’m averaging around a 157-159 on my PTs. I’ll occasionally hit 160-161, but it’s only happened a few times. I scored much lower than my PTs, but I am hoping to at least get a 155-157. I misbubbled an entire s…
    in HELP!! Comment by cbyrns21 January 2018
  • Hey there. I am in your SAME EXACT BOAT. The Feb exam will be my third time taking the test and I'm going about it completely different than the last two times. My approach is much more stringent and disciplined. I'm not working either so I'm ready …
    in HELP!! Comment by cbyrns21 January 2018
  • I want at least a 150-155. That is a 15 point increase. I know I can do it, I just need a major push in the right direction.
  • @pioneer321 said: All great tips above for LG. I just want to add a note about mindset, because I believe that to also be important. I made it a point to remind myself that anytime I was seeing a new game, or getting stuck on one, none of…
  • @JerryClarke242 said: @tringo335 I understand how you feel. Its a long process. The foolproofing, the timed and untimed drills, the Blind Review, but you cant give up after coming this far. When I came to 7sage, I was at the very bottom of the…
  • @LCMama2017 said: @LSATcantwin said: @cbyrns21 said: @LSATcantwin said: @cbyrns21 said: @LSATcantwin I have never seen that approach before. I'm so glad I aske…
  • @LSATcantwin said: @cbyrns21 said: @LSATcantwin said: @cbyrns21 said: @LSATcantwin I have never seen that approach before. I'm so glad I asked. Thank you for taking the time to explain your…
  • @LSATcantwin said: @cbyrns21 said: @LSATcantwin I have never seen that approach before. I'm so glad I asked. Thank you for taking the time to explain your point. I feel like, with LG, I have to rewire my brain. That's why I think i…
  • @"Alex Divine" Thank you for the solid advice.
  • @goingfor99th said: 1. Variables 2. Rules/Board 3. Rules/Board 4. Numerical Distribution 5. Double-check rules 6. Combine rules 7. Exhaust rules (inferences) 8. Apply rules/solve You can apply that approach to LG univ…
  • @LSATcantwin I have never seen that approach before. I'm so glad I asked. Thank you for taking the time to explain your point. I feel like, with LG, I have to rewire my brain. That's why I think it's so hard for me. I really appreciate you helping o…
  • I'm in Sacramento, maybe a bit too far for you. I'm taking the Feb exam too.
  • I'm interested. Maybe we should break up the numbers since there's so many of us wanting to hop on the band wagon.
  • I don't know about how feel about this, but my score was pretty low and I'm taking the LSAT for the third and last time in Feb. I know I can score higher I just need the right guidance. I'm hiring a private tutor but, was hoping to join a study grou…
  • I scored only 2 points higher but, nowhere to my goal score. God does have a plan for us all and we will go to the school we're meant to go to. Our LSAT score is NOT an accurate measure of our overall intelligence. Everyone take a deep breath and …
  • @"a.youmans" said: I did 1pt lower and I thought that test was easier than a lot of the practice tests I was taking. Whatever. I studied and practiced all this year. Time to move on I'm on the same wavelength as you. I remember leaving the t…
  • These questions, at least the first one, is more suited for an AO. The second question is, IMO, try for both. Apply for the lesser ranked and the reach. Then if you get accepted to both or one or the other, the decision is easier. It's not the best …
  • First off, congrats on such great numbers! Second, what I learned from the open houses and consortiums I've attended, any time you take the LSAT more than once, you need to explain in an addendum the reasoning for multiple attempts. Ideally, it shou…
  • At the end of the day you need to figure out a way to set yourself apart from the rest of the competition. Take every opportunity to showcase your "you"uniqueness. Stanford is known for their holistic approach to decision making. This is your time t…
    in Comment by cbyrns21 September 2017
  • @LCMama2017 not sure if you're military or not but, also see how much your chosen school contributes to the Yellow Ribbon program. Each school is different in their generosity. If it's a public school, the GI Bill will cover 100%. If it's private, o…
  • @btownsquee So the first time I met with Dean Deal was at a Downtown LA Standford/Duke meeting with the Deans. She told everyone how Stanford takes the holistic approach into making their decisions. Anything you have going for you that's outside the…
  • @rene4231 I'm so sorry to hear about your family! I'd say for us to even continue our education during major traumatic life events speaks volumes of our character. I wish you all the best in your law school journey!
  • @"Paul Pederson" sometimes life gets in the way, ultimately affecting our GPA. In certain circumstances beyond our control, it shouldn't be held against us. The USMC, any military branch for that matter, is very demanding emotionally, physically, an…
  • So if I write a well written addendum explaining the reasons behind the crappy GPA, will that give me a better chance of them looking at my most recent GPA?
  • @LSATcantwin that disheartens me To go from a 4.0 to a 2.7.... how does that compute? Rhetorically speaking, where the heck does that leave me? This is so messed up!
  • Like many others here, I am a non-traditional applicant. The schools I'm aiming for are privy to soft factors and taking the holistic approach. I had the privilege of meeting Stanford's Dean of Admissions and got to pick her brain, which was very va…
  • @"Paul Pederson" @LSATcantwin I completely understand and empathize with how your past dulls your overall application. My GPA 10 years ago is really REALLY going to hurt me. I'm hoping my military service and experience within that will bump me up. …
  • @dantlee14 thanks for the list! I wish more schools did the interview! I know the application speaks for itself on your behalf, but sometimes being F2F is a more personal approach. Oh well
  • Veteran to Veteran (medically retired Air Force), I HIGHLY recommend checking out Services2Schools. They are a non-profit dedicated to helping and mentoring veterans applying to graduate school. You have to at least score a 150 on the LSAT to qualif…