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  • Recently hit a personal best of 167 with -5 on logic games. -5 doesn’t sound great, but I’m used to getting -8 or -10 (started at -12/-14 when I began foolproofing) So this is a huge improvement for the work in foolproofing is paying off!
  • Answer choice 1 is sufficient not necessary. It is too strong. It doesn’t have to be that ALL As are Bs, just that some A’s are B’s for the argument to potentially work. The negation of AC1 allows for some effective approaches to be fun, so negati…
  • @"Seeking Perfection" Yah my roommate is a computer science guy works at a software company so I’m sure he’s got a lot of experience with formal logic. After he looked at it he literally said “I love these things! Can I write on this?!” So yes h…
  • Thanks guys! Really kept me encouraged to not give up today. @westcoastbestcoast I’ve been studying for a couple months, I work full time. I’m still going through the core curriculum. Thanks for the perspective, it helps. After work today I sat d…
  • Thank you, I restarted and it's all back to normal. I suffered through two days thinking this had changed. That was totally unnecessary I was contemplating buying the next version up since it was really affecting my ability to take good notes. Alw…