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  • If it's your first time seeing the CC, do it when you're done. This is my second time going through the CC so I'm FPing while I'm learning again.
  • A lot of Canadian universities have an option of writing an essay to explain your circumstances/ low GPA or LSAT scores. I know someone who got into Western with a 155! Keep at it but don't be too hard on yourself either because it is possible to ge…
  • You get a scrap piece of paper for games! This was my main concern too.
  • I was in the same position but no you don't need to worry about anything like this. As long as you have dual citizenship, you'll pay the "local" rate but obviously out of state residence fees. You wouldn't be subject to international fees.
  • I remember reading your posts and learning about how far you've come, congratulations! Super proud of you I'm aiming to perfect LG and scrape up points in RC too
  • Flaw and Weaken for sure lol
  • You're a queen.
  • Going off of this, it's better to do a PT when you're mentally there. No point to waste your time or a PT just for shits!
  • I'm on the same boat. November isn't really do or die for me but I'm trying to think of it that way. I graduate in April and in a perfect world, I'll start in Fall for law but obviously I've come to terms with this not happening. As a back up I've s…
  • I'm in my senior year of undergrad. My plan is to either wake up early and study before class/work or study in between breaks. Obviously, weekends will be dedicated to studying but I'm also making a point to throw in going to the gym in between it a…
  • @eRetaker said: Thanks for consolidating the new prompts! But how come these optional essays don't feel optional lol "Optional" = do it anyways lmao
  • Trust me, I know how you feel! The week before the exam I was having anxiety attacks, I couldn't sleep, I was trembling and worried all the time. It got to a point where I couldn't sleep at night and I STILL forced myself to study. It was hard to wi…
  • @Jaejaebinx said: @AshleighK We got this!! I am, but I haven't registered yet. Have you? I'm not sure if a lot of test centers are already full, or if a lot of them didn't host a sitting this time, but most of the usually available centers in …
  • @Jaejaebinx said: Same, girl, same. We got this! Are you looking at November?
  • @XochitlM said: Thank you for your candor and sharing your story with us. I appreciate you taking the time to explain your decision to postpone, it has helped me with my decision as well. I've been a fairly silent 7Sager, but am realizing that…
  • @"samantha.ashley92" said: I did the same thing-- twice! I was originally scheduled for February but I got a really bad concussion after Thanksgiving (hit my head 3 times) and couldn't start studying again until May. I forgot pretty much every…
  • PT on Saturday: BR, FP BR PT, FP Sunday Monday: Drill section(s), BR, FP Tuesday: Drill section(s), BR, FP Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Drill section(s), BR, FP Friday: Drill section(s), BR, FP Going from strengthening LG, to maximizing my point…
  • @LSATSurvivor said: @AshleighK said: @LSATSurvivor said: In the same boat as you. Take it when you're ready. Keep fighting! I've seen your comments around and I absolutely loved them! I always laughe…
  • @Brazil020511 said: Hello, I guess what's keeping me back from delaying (or a future retake) is I don't know what I will do differently. I feel like I've tried everything (tutoring, in person course, 7sage) and I'm still not where I want the b…
  • @"Leah M B" said: Jumping in here late, but it sounds like you made a solid decision to push back. I pushed my LSAT back twice before sitting for it last December. And then I ended up withdrawing one more time (I applied last cycle and there w…
  • Yes... basically me every time I get into the study schedule. It was bad this summer since I was finally home after 3 1/2 years. Everyone expected me to hang out and catch up but I blew everyone off to study. Don't get me wrong, I'd take a day off e…
  • @HappyCamper said: I saw this link and it was just what I needed to read. Working full time and trying to study I thought it would be a breeze to pick up as I have taken a course before. But, unexpected life and travel events kept happening an…
  • @LSATSurvivor said: In the same boat as you. Take it when you're ready. Keep fighting! I've seen your comments around and I absolutely loved them! I always laughed at your "lol hey me, you got this wrong again idiot" comments. I have those w…
  • @"Adam Hawks" said: I'm happy that you're going to take the time for yourself to resettle your mind. But let me ask you these questions @AshleighK : 1.) Why do you want to go to law school? 2.) Would you be ok being a professional tec…
  • @"Sam Tyler" said: Knowing when you need to step back and collect yourself is key. If I could make one suggestion to you or any possible delayors, it might be worth going in and writing with the intention of cancelling. You already paid, o m…
  • @keets993 said: @AshleighK burnout crew! Could be worse, you could've pushed for sept feeling burnt out only to be even more burnt out in November... Omg can you imagine? Walking into the test with burn out, getting wrecked, being sad and fa…
  • @"Pride Only Hurts" said: @AshleighK said: You're amazing! It takes guts and you did it twice. You've got this! What exam are you looking at now? Haha thanks! I'm looking at September! While I don't think I'm at my full p…
  • @Bamboosprout said: I think you made a good, and strong choice. I hope things go well for you I want to give some feedback and am not criticising anyone for choosing to postpone, after all, a good general must know when to retreat: N…
  • @TTurner24 said: Very proud of you Do it for the OVO gang always but thank you I'm positive you'll make the right call for yo…